Tuesday, January 20, 2009


A.F. is obama-rama-ing

M.M is thinking about OBAMA BEER tonight. mmmmmm

R.C. obama!

 Alycia wonders if Canadian kids know who OUR OWN Prime Minister is.... holy Americanization, batman!  4:23pm - Comment

M.N at 4:27pm January 20
not many. Notice how our election got the shaft in comparison? It's like no one really cared.

C.N at 4:53pm January 20 via Facebook Mobile
I agree!!!

A.M at 5:03pm January 20
good point!!! my dentist today was all about how kids shoulda got the day off to watch him come into office! americanization is right ms mitchell

M.K at 6:01pm January 20
i know!!! stephan harper bush's little bitch!haha But yes we hear more about the american election!

M.G at 7:19pm January 20
sadly harper is MUCH less inspiring. but seriously.

At my little Northern British Columbia hometown high school, I remember canvassing students randomly on that cheerful, rainbow-filled morning that Bush won his second term. The Canadian election had been held just three months prior (with Paul Martin continuing the office he inherited from Chrétien in December almost a year prior). I asked many of my fellow students if they knew who the President of the United States was. They all unanimously answered correctly. When I asked them who the Prime Minister of Canada was, the overwhelming majority answered that it was Jean Chrétien.

The general apathy of the youth was a sign of the times then. Today, I see the same peers championing a skin-deep political passion that may or may not be totally valid.

I was there, partying at the University pub with hundreds of others.

Of course there was coverage by Indecision 2008.

The reason we (Canadians. Namely the left-wing, lower tax bracket majority of the would-be-Democrats) got the shaft is because our election was before theirs.... if it had been after, we might've followed their lead. Canadian politics is just like American politics really... only we liberalize our liberal party into fragments so that it's impossible for the Conservatives to lose. Americans just install whoever makes the finest doll to play tea-party with cameras and ideology. With recent melodramatic proclamations that the "Bush years are over" and widespread, pseudo-religious worshipping of Obama, only one idea keeps recurring like a nightmare....

Have They done it again?

I hate to be a Theyist (neologism per Chris) but my spidey sense is tingling....

I love Obama as much as the next person.
I am SUPER stoked to have a colored President.
Really, it's what the world needs to see (especially in a Post-Bush era).
With the hyperreal, postmodern representations and so-chic insta-digital syndication available, the whole world (not just America) is getting a taste of megamedia propaganda that outdoes what Reagan did with TV.

All I'm saying is that you should question everything and analyze intentions. And For god's sake, do your own research.

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