Thursday, July 16, 2009

Michael Jackson is now the Elizabeth Taylor of Montreal


Just kidding. He isn't a zombie.

But really.

Zombie Mike,





.... I've always been a zombie fan in theory.

Okay, so the question on everyone's mind is, IS MJ *really* DEAD?

Everyone knows that the internet has all the answers. Especially Yahoo! answers.

(Don't you effin hate it when Yahoo! has a question asked, which you need answered too, but there's no answer? Maybe one, but it's just ANOTHER person looking for the answer? Then there's like, people who ASK Yahoo! questions. There's those people, and then there's those who read books, or just wait for someone else to answer the preposed wikiquestions).

Fortunately, on the question of Michael Jacksons death, Yahoo has the correct answer!

Resolved Question

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Is Michael Jackson dead?

A bunch of my friends told me that he was dead, but idk if they were kidding or not. plz tell me the truth!!
  • 6 months ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

he's still alive at the age of 50.
  • 6 months ago
18% 2 Votes

Is this what you are searching for?

Other Answers (1 - 30 of 39)

  • no he's not dead. he's retreated out of the public eye due to the shenanigans and scandals...and last heard on a radio show that his finances are a are those of most of his family...and that some King was suing him for stealing money he'd said he would invest or something like that overseas.


    • 6 months ago
    0% 0 Votes
Ok, so the date is wrong. But really. What if he IS hiding?

Is he with Elvis?

Let's be honest here. MJ isn't dead. He planned his last tour in March. Convenient eh? See! Watch this video! Ha!....

Oh wait. What? The rights to this video... have... expired...?

Well that's funny...

What is even funnier, is the last tour was called the "This Is It" tour...

But hey, now that he's dead, they can still sell the same merch for the tour.

Oh, and wasn't the funeral nice? Where was the body?

Let's be real now. Breaking news says MJ was MURDERED!:

“Law enforcement sources say there is already ‘plenty of powerful evidence’ linking Dr. Murray as the person who administered the drug to Jackson. The evidence includes various items found in Jackson’s house, including the Propofol, an IV stand and oxygen tank.

“And we’ve learned the LAPD has had ‘multiple conversations’ with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office, although the case has not been formally presented to the district attorney.”

Propofol is a sedative which is so strong it is used to put patients to sleep before surgery. It has previously been claimed Michael used it to help him overcome insomnia.

So. Here is what I think.

He was drugged strong enough for surgery.

Then, he was probably taken to hospital "dead"...

And then the final plastic surgery.

MJ is now a woman, and living in Montreal. (Notice how it kind-of rhymes with Demerol?) It's one of the only places in Canada where he didn't get a lot of shit for being a dirty rich perv (not even going there -- it's too angering to acknowledge in my maternal mode).

But on to the plastic surgery. The final surgery, which was to be acknowledged publicly as his death. Likely, it's been in the planning for months or years.

Mike was always very close to Elizabeth Taylor. His plastic surgery adventures made him look more and more like her. He wanted to look like her.

One can hardly question that Mike would have wanted to take the final step, and become a woman like he so desperately wanted to be.

To become Liz.

And strangely, now that Liz is in hospital, I have to wonder if maybe Dr. Murray drugged her too, so that Mike could harvest her vital organs and have them transplanted into him.

According to the New York Post the 77-year-old is being treated in a Los Angeles hospital after being rushed there yesterday from her Beverly Hills home.

The paper's columnist Cindy Adams said: 'The heart's gone out of her.'

Would you put it past a guy who is 50 and lives on a carnival ranch with children? It's all a little bit "it puts the lotion on its skin" for me...

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